Atlas supports custom map backgrounds via any web-based map service supporting Style JSON.
How to add a custom basemap in Atlas
Look for the “Basemap” button in the bottom-right corner of a Atlas map:
Tiles hosted by MapTiler can be used in Atlas via Vector Style JSON{layer}/style.json?key={key}
Sample tile URL template
Use this in Atlas with your MapTiler API key:{YOUR_MAPTILER_KEY}
⚠️ Users with whom you share a Atlas map with a custom MapTiler background will be able to view the public API key.
Stadia Maps
You can easily use Stadia Maps as basemap in Atlas by adding the Vector Style URL.
Sample tile URL
Carto CDN
Sample tile URL
XYZ Tiles
Atlas also supports basemaps provided via XYZ tile services. XYZ tiles are a common way to serve map tiles, using URLs that contain {x}, {y}, and {z} placeholders for the tile coordinates and zoom level.
How to add an XYZ tile basemap in Atlas
To add an XYZ tile-based map as your custom basemap, simply provide the tile URL in the following format:{z}/{x}/{y}.png
For example, ArcGIS offers an XYZ tile service that can be used in Atlas:{z}/{y}/{x}