Cadastral Map


A cadastral map is a comprehensive land recording system that includes information about the ownership, tenure, precise locations, dimensions and other details of land properties. Based on the cadastral surveys, this detailed and scaled map allows easier identification, description and evaluation of properties for regulatory and fiscal purposes. This includes real estate taxation, land development planning and provides legal documentation of land ownership.

What is a Cadastral Map?

A cadastral map provides precise and comprehensive data about specific land parcels in a certain area. It typically shows the boundaries of parcels of land within a district or municipality. The map also includes detailed information about attributes of the land such as ownership, size, value, and land use.

Cadastral maps are typically used by local governments, surveyors, and real estate developers to assist in decision-making. They are also available for public use to facilitate land transactions and provide transparency regarding property boundaries and owner information. Cadastral maps are a fundamental component of any legal land registration system, and they serve as an important resource for resolving disputes over land ownership.


What is the purpose of a cadastral map?

The main purpose of a cadastral map is to accurately represent the property boundaries and provide details about land ownership and value. It assists in maintaining proper records for land transactions, serving as a legal document for property ownership, and helping in effective land administration.

Who uses cadastral maps?

Cadastral maps are used by a wide range of stakeholders including government agencies, real estate developers, land surveyors, legal professionals, planners, and even the general public. It is particularly useful in matters relating to land valuation, land taxation, real estate transactions, resolution of property disputes, and urban planning.

How are cadastral maps created?

Cadastral maps are created based on cadastral surveys, which are a comprehensive survey of land properties detailing their precise boundaries and particulars. Data collected from these surveys, including measurements, boundaries drawings, and land use information, are processed and compiled into the cadastral map. Technological advancements have enabled the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for creating even more accurate and detailed cadastral maps.

Are cadastral maps publicly accessible?

In most jurisdictions, cadastral maps are publicly accessible. They are essential for transparency in land transactions and can be accessed to identify property boundaries and review land ownership information. However, the degree of public access may vary depending on local regulations and policies.

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