

What is Atlas?

In 100 words and a demo.

Why Atlas exists

We all see that there is a revolution happening in business software right now. Notion is changing how we organize, Figma how we design and Slack changed how we communicate.

However, maps and geographical information systems (GIS) has remained relatively static. Millions of businesses across the world are using software that were designed for a time when the speed, scale, data and capabilities that businesses require today could not be conceptualized.

Atlas is here to change that.

Our purpose is simple. We want to make geospatial analysis and maps accessible to everyone.

What does that mean? GIS is complex and require specialized knowledge. There are only about 2 million people in the world that work as GIS professionals, while billions of people are surrounded by location data. Whether it be data from your phone or global demographic statistics, location data is all around us.

We want more people to be able to use location data. Quickly, simply and inexpensively.

And this is what gets the Atlas team up in the morning and working hard every day.

What Atlas is

Atlas is a browser-based GIS platform to create maps and analyze location data.

Simple and powerful, right in the browser.

Step into Atlas to explore, analyze and share geospatial data. The software aims to give analysts, of any skill a chance to create maps and analyze geospatial data rapidly, together with their co-members.

Atlas is for analysts, cartographers, planners, managers, teachers or anyone who is looking to create a map to tell a story or analyze trends. Atlas is especially advantageous for team projects, where collaboration is essential.

What you can do with Atlas

Naturally, you can use Atlas for pretty much any regular geospatial task. And it lets you do more. Maybe you want to:

  • Find the most suitable locations for a new solar PV project? Then check out our Guide.
  • Analysing access to healthcare services? Then check out our Guide
  • Evaluating where to invest in real estate?
  • Identify areas with easy subway access?

If you’re in need of some inspiration, have a look at our curated community maps.