

A spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database, storing GIS objects.

PostGIS is a specific data format that functions as a spatial database extender for the PostgreSQL object-relational database. It adds support for geographic objects, allowing location queries to be run in SQL. PostGIS has become a critical component in the field of geographic information systems (GIS). Its primary function is to store and index geospatial data, and to efficiently manage and process different types of GIS objects.

PostGIS conforms to the Simple Features for SQL specification from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This specification defines data types and functions that a compliant database needs to support. Examples of these are Point, LineString, and Polygon geometries, and associated functions such as ST_Contains, ST_Intersects, and ST_Distance that can perform spatial operations on these geometries.

The data format in PostGIS is both stringent and versatile. It follows the Well-Known Text (WKT) and Well-Known Binary (WKB) representations for geometry objects, as defined in the OGC specification. This common data format allows PostGIS to interact seamlessly with other GIS software, while maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the spatial data.

Work faster with spatial data

Easily import data, automate analysis and build spatial apps for the web, all within a single software.

Notably, the implementation of PostGIS also utilizes Generalized Search Tree (GiST) indexing for efficient querying of spatial data. This spatial indexing technology enables rapid searches over complex geographic objects. As a result, operations such as spatial joins, closest neighbor searches, and boundary intersections, which are often required in GIS analyses, can be performed efficiently.

PostGIS also includes several other advanced GIS features, such as coordinate transformation, spatial reprojection and geodetic measurements, and support for 3D and 4D geometries. This makes it a comprehensive and capable tool for storing and manipulating spatial data in a database setting.

Further, PostGIS leverages the powerful features of the underlying PostgreSQL database. This includes transaction support, robustness, and flexibility in terms of types and functions. With this strong foundation, PostGIS enables a high degree of data consistency and validity checks.

In summary, PostGIS is a comprehensive and advanced spatial database extender, allowing for robust and efficient handling, storage, and querying of geospatial data based on a unified and standardized data format. Its adherence to the OGC standards, its utilization of advanced indexing technologies, and its integration with PostgreSQL make it a highly powerful and efficient tool in the field of GIS.