What is Pangea?
Located in the world's past, Pangea was a supercontinent that housed all the existing continents today. Formed about 335 million years ago, Pangea began to separate into the present continents 175 million years ago. Its existence and characteristics have been the focus of a decades-long study, especially in the field of geographical information systems (GIS).
Where was Pangea located on the map?
It can be difficult to place Pangea on a current world map. That's owing to the immense geological shifts and movements that have occurred since then. Nevertheless, scientists conjecture that the center of the supercontinent was approximately where West Africa and South America are today. Pangea stretched towards the North and South poles with territories equivalent to present-day North America, Asia, and Antarctica.
The Formation of Pangea
The formation of Pangea was mainly due to continental drift. This movement of earth's crust resulted in the collision and coalescence of several smaller continents. Entities such as Gondwana and Laurasia came together to form this gigantic landmass.
Role of GIS in Understanding Pangea
GIS has played a crucial role in the understanding and study of this individual part of the earth's history. The systems enable scientists to accurately track seismic movements and changes in the earth's crust. These observations help confirm the existence of Pangea and the processes involved in its formation and eventual separation.
How was Pangea discovered?
Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, pioneered the concept of Pangea in 1912. He observed similar fossil species on different continents, which led to his theory of a single supercontinent.
Why did Pangea separate?
The separation of Pangea occurred due to the shifting and movement of tectonic plates. These movements caused the supercontinent to gradually fracture and drift apart, leading to the formation of the continents as we know now.
What are the significant contributions of Pangea to science and geology?
The existence of Pangea has proven critical to the development of various scientific theories. Mainly these include plate tectonics and continental drift. Understanding this ancient supercontinent also aids in interpreting global climate changes and the distribution of animals and plants.
Can Pangea form again?
Scientists deem it possible for a Pangea-like supercontinent to form again in the future. This event, though, would require millions of years due to the slow pace of tectonic movement. It's a phenomenon referred to as Pangea Ultima.