Store proximity maps

Map customer reach around stores

Store proximity maps
Store proximity maps
Analyze distances
Set radius zones
Overlay customer data
Plan better locations

Create store proximity maps

Identify customer reach zones for your stores with Atlas’ proximity analysis tools

Store proximity maps

What is a store proximity map?

A store proximity map visualizes areas around stores within specific distances. It helps businesses analyze customer accessibility, optimize store locations, and plan marketing campaigns targeted to nearby areas.

Create Store proximity maps
Store proximity maps
Store proximity maps

Examples of store proximity maps

Customer reach zones

Understand how far customers can travel to reach your store

Marketing zones

Plan advertisements targeting areas around your stores

Site selection

Analyze customer proximity to select new store locations

Create Store proximity maps

How to create store proximity maps?


Add store locations

Import your store addresses or coordinates into the platform.


Set radius zones

Choose specific distance ranges, such as 5km, 10km, or 20km.


Overlay with customer data

Combine store zones with customer demographics for insights.


Review and share results

Analyze the map and share it with your team or stakeholders.

Start making Store proximity maps

Why choose Atlas for store proximity maps?

Atlas provides tools for accurate and insightful proximity analysis.

Multi-store analysis

Compare proximity data for multiple stores on a single map.

Real-time updates

See changes in customer reach as data updates.

Custom distance settings

Set any radius to match your specific analysis needs.

Layer integration

Add demographic or competitor layers for strategic planning.


Download maps as high-resolution images or PDFs.

Interactive sharing

Publish interactive maps for team collaboration.

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about creating and using store proximity maps.

Can I map multiple stores?

Yes, Atlas supports mapping proximity for one or multiple stores.

What radius options are available?

You can set any radius, from 1km to over 50km, based on your needs.

Can I overlay customer data?

Yes, you can combine proximity data with customer demographics.

Is the map exportable?

Yes, download maps as images or share interactive versions online.

Can I compare proximity zones?

Absolutely. Atlas lets you compare zones for multiple stores easily.