- GIS and maps in the browser | Product Hunt

Collaborative GIS
in the browser

Atlas is how teams make maps and perform geospatial analysis together. Create, collaborate, share — all under one roof.


Bring your team closer
— no matter where they are

Collaborate on editing in real time. It’s easy to upload data, use comments and annotations to keep the process moving.

Born in the browser

No installations required

Connected to your data. Delightful to share. Collaborate spatially without installing software.

Easy to use

No longer reserved for technical experts

GIS analysis used to be for experts only. With Atlas, anyone can perform advanced analyses without prior knowledge.

Buffer icon

Calculate Buffers

Create zones around any feature on your map with just a few clicks.

Whether you’re planning urban developments, assessing environmental impact, or simply finding all schools within a 1-mile radius of a park.

Travel time icon

Analyze Travel Times

Determine how long it will take to reach various destinations, such as identifying areas within a 15-minute drive from your office.

Input your location, set your travel parameters, and visualize the accessible areas in no time.

Nearest icon

Find Nearest Locations Fast

Need to locate the closest facilities in an emergency?

Input any location, select your category of interest, such as hospitals or fire stations, and instantly see the closest options highlighted on your map.

...and over 50 other analyses

Atlas offers various tools to help you understand your location-based data. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you can perform advanced analyses easily.


See how other teams are using Atlas

Explore examples
Landcover map
3D Buildings
Marathon map

Ready to level up your map-making process?